The Best Potter in Kaimata
Boiled egg
Wholemeal bread
Nick's leg
Piss peg
Gentle Jerry's
Dirty satchel
Juicy plums
By the bushel
Jane in the bath
With her adult son
Gender bending
Good clean fun
Wickham's chicken
Blanket fake
Love thy neighbours
Christmas cake
Maseyk spastic
Drinking beer
Silent spider
In Nick's hair
Fucking dog
Stupid stick
Hairy hermit
Dirty bricks
Weak tea
Mint sea
Goat's milk
Magnolia silk
Tiny mind
Hot arse
Broken pots
In the grass
Goat trap
Cat trap
Heat trap
No map
Killed a possum
Massive bottom
Skinny Franny
Wrapped in cotton
Give me meat
Give me bread
The long drive home
The other bed.